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Reverse Engineering - 0 to 1
Teaser - Reverse Engineering Zero To One (1:42)
Introduction to Reverse Engineering (10:20)
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Reverse Engineering for Dummies (Debugging x86)
Course Overview & System Organization (14:19)
Introduction to x86 Architecture (15:41)
EIP & Debug Registers (17:31)
Functions, Process & Threads (20:52)
Memory Layout (18:55)
Function Calling & Stack Frame (19:50)
CPU Modes & Memory Models (15:26)
AT&T vs Intel Syntax (13:02)
Hello Enciphers (30:35)
Data Types, Tokens, EQU & Times (13:57)
Implementation of Data Types, Token, EQU & Times (17:33)
Moving Data (7:39)
Debugging Data Movement (26:57)
Debugging Stack (18:45)
Debugging Arithmetic Operation: Add/Sub (21:19)
Debugging Arithmetic Operations MulDiv (24:33)
Debugging Logical Instructions (19:07)
Debugging Control Instructions (18:26)
Procedure (20:48)
CPU Info x64 (7:36)
x86_64 Register (11:28)
Stack Frame x64 (19:10)
Fundamentals of ARM Lab Setup (32:22)
Offset Form addressing mode (14:16)
Load Store Immediate Offset Form (9:03)
Functions in ARM (10:51)
Debugging Function (17:13)
Summary (2:17)
Reverse Engineering for Devs
Integer Overflow (20:33)
Integer Overflow Patch (8:47)
Integer Underflow (12:08)
Integer Underflow Patch (5:30)
Format Strings (11:25)
Format String Exploitation and Patching (18:21)
Buffer Overflow (12:11)
Buffer Overflow Countermeasure (12:38)
Heap Overflow (16:57)
Race Condition (13:18)
Race Condition Patch (4:03)
Summary (1:31)
Reverse Engineering for Hackers
Files String References Patching using IDA (28:03)
Reversing Chain of 'cmp' instructions using IDA (7:07)
Intro to radare2 (13:43)
Windows Debugger (24:32)
Setting up Memory Protection using VMprotect (3:35)
Bypassing Memory Protections using x32DBG Cheat Engine (13:28)
Reversing C# .NET Binary (16:49)
Reverse Engineering trial .NET Binary (13:30)
Reverse Engineering .NET application for bypassing registration check (11:50)
Reverse Engineering with Ghidra Pt-1 (15:45)
Reverse Engineering with Ghidra Pt-2 (23:32)
Thanks & Credits
x86_64 Register
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